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Chatting With Quantum Mob And How They Tripled In Size With The Help Of Devhub Toronto

Dec. 17 2018
Lauren Girdler

Quantum Mob is a Toronto development agency that started in early 2016 working out of Devhub in Toronto. They have since grown to 12 full-time employees. They were founded by Erich Reich and Eric Kim, who worked together at a previous job, and decided to go into business together.

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Devhub Launches In Vancouver Plus A Sneak Peek At Devhub Toronto's New Home

Dec. 12 2018
Lighthouse Labs

Devhub launches in Vancouver as Devhub Toronto moves locations to King and Bathurst in the heart of Canada's largest city

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Introducing Student Scholarships

Dec. 06 2018
Lighthouse Labs

Lighthouse Labs recognizes the need for financial, emotional and academic support to foster meaningful change and life-long learning, which is why we aim to offer substantial tuition assistance, including our commitment to $150,000 in scholarships, and mentorship opportunities.

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Our Five-Year Birthday Celebrations, In Photos

Nov. 29 2018
Tim Huebsch

We just hit our five-year mark. Here are photos from our Toronto and Vancouver celebrations in case you couldn't make it!

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An All-Women's Dev Team Crushed The 21-Day Coding Challenge And Scored The Most Points

Nov. 27 2018
Tim Huebsch

The Women in Web Development Facebook group team scored 638 points among its 130 members during the 21-Day Coding Challenge topping the overall leaderboard when all was said and done.

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Meet FreeCodeCamp, The Team-Prize Winning 21-Day Coding Challenge Squad

Nov. 19 2018
Tim Huebsch

Members of the winning team of the 21-Day Coding Challenge share their favourite part of the 21DCC, how they originally heard of the challenge and how they worked together.

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By The Numbers: October 2018 21-Day Coding Challenge Wrap-Up

Nov. 01 2018
Tim Huebsch

Including who won the grand prize trip to San Francisco as well as our three finalist prize winners

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How Lighthouse Labs, With The Help Of ISSofBC, Helped This Developer Prepare For His Hack Capital Role

Oct. 29 2018
Lauren Girdler

How has Lighthouse Labs bootcamp prepared you for your current position?

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The Ways One B.C. Teacher Passes On Coding Skills To The Next Generation

Oct. 23 2018
Lauren Girdler

"I think we need to find a balance between screen time and play time. It’s important for students to be familiar with technology, but also have time away from screens, whether it’s computer, tablet, phones, or TV"

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A Developer Explains How The First Nations Technology Council & Lighthouse Labs Opened New Career Opportunities

Oct. 22 2018
Lauren Girdler

The First Nations Technology Council & Lighthouse Labs helped open career doors for Jamal Alawes, now at Coconut Software.

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How A Full-Stack Software Engineer Used Lighthouse Labs & ISSofBC To Jumpstart Her Career In Tech

Oct. 16 2018
Lauren Girdler

October 28 is Lighthouse Labs' five-year birthday! To honour this exciting milestone, we're taking a look back at some of the past events and goals we've achieved, our favourite initiatives we've been a part of along the way, and what kind of impact they had after the fact.

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What You Might Have Missed at Canada's Largest Tech Festival in Toronto

Oct. 04 2018
Tim Huebsch

Elevate took over Toronto for a week in mid-September. A busy week full of keynotes and events, here are Lighthouse Labs staff's highlights you might have missed

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What's New at Vancouver Startup Week

Sep. 20 2018
Erin Westlake and Vivian Chan

Vancouver Startup Week has a lot of great returning events to check out. We speak with Vivian Chan, Co-Chair of Vancouver Startup Week, to find out what’s new and exciting for 2018.

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Top 8 Events to Attend at Elevate Toronto, as Recommended by Lighthouse Labs Staff

Sep. 20 2018
Tim Huebsch

The entire Toronto Lighthouse Labs staff are excited to attend and participate in the numerous events, speakers, and other exciting activities happening during Elevate. Here's a teaser of what we recommend checking out.

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Why You Should Start a Daily Coding Habit

Sep. 18 2018
Lauren Girdler

Coding knowledge continues to be a skill that is in high demand. But to truly gain a new skill you need to dive in to build that muscle memory. So, commit to practicing coding every day!

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