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Building A Holiday Card Generator

Dec. 15 2017
Rebecca Haliburton

Learn how to build your own holiday greeting card generator with our free four part tutorial! In Part IV you will be deploying the project!

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Building A Holiday Card Generator Part III: JavaScript and the Document Object Model

Dec. 14 2017
Rebecca Haliburton

Learn how to build your own holiday greeting card generator with our free four part tutorial! Part III will teach you how to make your page interactive using JavaScript!

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Building A Holiday Card Generator Part II: Styling, Animations & Responsive Design With CSS

Dec. 13 2017
Rebecca Haliburton

Learn how to build your own holiday greeting card generator with our free four part tutorial! Part II will teach you how to style and create a responsive design for your card generator.

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Building A Holiday Card Generator Part I: Coding Practice

Dec. 12 2017
Rebecca Haliburton

Learn how to build your own holiday greeting card generator using HTML, CSS and Javascript that you can share with friends and family!

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One Year After Bootcamp: Anthony Morris

Nov. 28 2017
Corey Leung

Anthony Morris transitioned from a career as a Computer Technician to a full fledged Web Developer after Bootcamp. Read more about his journey!

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What You'll Learn In Our Intro to Front-End with JavaScript Course

Nov. 17 2017
Corey Leung

The Intro to Front-End with JavaScript course teaches the foundations of front-end web development using the most current technologies. Read more about this exciting Lighthouse Labs course.

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7 Reasons Marketers Should Learn to Code

Nov. 09 2017
Tiffany Chester

There’s a growing list of reasons why marketers will be more successful if they learn to code. Here's why.

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One Year After Bootcamp: Micah Britton

Nov. 06 2017
Corey Leung

Dissatisfied with his career prospects and growth working in desktop IT support, Micah decided to register for the Lighthouse Labs Web Development Bootcamp and pursue a career as a Web Developer. He is now working at Amazon as a Web Development Engineer, where he is facing new challenges daily and learning constantly. We recently caught up with him to see what the last year has been like since he left Lighthouse Labs.

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Meet Our 10-week Bootcamp Curriculum

Oct. 23 2017
Khurram Virani

We are thrilled to announce some exciting changes to our Web and iOS Development Bootcamps including longer 10-week programs, computer science content, a hybrid form of education delivery and even more career services support.

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The Final Project: Wesley Wong

Oct. 05 2017
Corey Leung

Prior to the Web Development Bootcamp, Wesley Wong studied Nursing at McGill University. This experience inspired him to create Florence as his final project for the program. Florence is an application to help speed up the communication between nurses and clients. Wesley is currently completing his last week as the Lighthouse Labs’ Web Development Intern in Vancouver. To celebrate, we spoke with him about his experience as both an employee and alumni, along with insights into how he created his final project.

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Love Letter to Our Alumni

Oct. 05 2017
Sarah Foot & Iskender Piyale-Sheard

We wouldn't exist without our students and alumni. To show them how much they mean to us, we wrote this love letter.

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The Job Search: Charlyne Fothergill

Career Services
Sep. 21 2017
Charlyne Fothergill

Charlyne Fothergill is an integral part of Lighthouse Labs as our Director of Career Services and is also a well respected member of the Canadian Human Resources and Tech industry. She has helped hundreds of our students secure employment as Junior Software Developers over the years and continues to strengthen our connection to each community we serve. So, to wrap up our Job Search series, Charlyne provided us with her top five tips for landing a job out of Bootcamp.

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The Job Search: Natalie Mok

Career Services
Sep. 15 2017
Corey Leung

Prior to Lighthouse Labs, Natalie Mok was studying Computer Information and Systems Administration at BCIT and working in the automotive industry. Realizing that her passion was in web design and development, the Web Development Bootcamp at Lighthouse Labs was a natural fit to further her career. She is now a JavaScript (Ember) Developer at Later. She recently spoke with us to discuss her experience with the job search post-Bootcamp.

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Intro To... Matt Markic

Sep. 12 2017
Alexandra Ali-Dib

Matt completed both our Part-Time Intro to Web Development course and our Web Development Bootcamp in Toronto. He is also a beloved part of the LHL family as a former Junior Web Development Intern of ours. Today, he is working as a Junior Developer at BuySellAds, where he is helping to develop an internal sales software solution. He also spends his spare time creating coding solutions for his parents’ dentistry practice. Read further to learn more about how he ended up taking the part-time course and how that led him to where he is today.

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Farts and Starts: The Story of Sam Meech-Ward’s First Successful App

Sep. 07 2017
Corey Leung

Every iOS Developer dreams of having one of their apps do well on the Apple App Store. However, sometimes the most successful apps comes from the most unlikely ideas. Case in point, for our Head iOS Instructor Sam Meech-Ward, this dream became a reality with the release of his Burp and Fart Piano. Born from the mind of an 18-year old in 2010, the app has now seen six iterations and over 1.43 million downloads. We recently chatted with him to discuss the success of the app and some of the biggest lessons learned from the creation and upkeep of it.

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