Are cybersecurity bootcamps worth it?

There are rarely shortcuts in life, and starting a career in cybersecurity is no exception.

While there are a few pathways to become a cybersecurity professional, bootcamps can be a way to fast-track your way into the cybersecurity job market. But be warned: a cybersecurity bootcamp isn’t for the faint of heart. Although learning will happen within a short time frame, you’ll eat, sleep, and breathe cybersecurity to make you job-ready within the program’s time-frame.

If you dedicate your time and effort, however, the pay-off will be rewarding. Cybersecurity is an in-demand career path that could earn you a career with lots of opportunity and salary growth if you have the right foundational skills, transferable skills, and experience.

Keep reading to discover the value of cybersecurity bootcamps and learn how they help you acquire essential skills for a new career in cybersecurity.

Understanding cybersecurity bootcamps

A cybersecurity bootcamp is an intensive program in which learning is focused on foundational cybersecurity knowledge, including the tools and skills you need. These programs usually last several months, and by graduation, you’re prepared for an entry-level role in the industry.

Admissions process

To get started, you may be required to complete a skills test to assess your logical thinking skill (an essential soft skill you need to be successful in this career path), passion for learning, and commitment to success.

Here is a sample admissions process for Lighthouse Labs’ Cybersecurity Bootcamp:

  1. Submit your online application (at least six weeks before your desired start date)
  2. Complete an online logic test
  3. Schedule an interview
  4. Upon acceptance, begin Prep Modules and pre-reading

Bootcamp curriculum

Once enrolled in a cybersecurity bootcamp, you’ll likely begin your education with fundamental cybersecurity principles. Then you’ll explore their relevance to cybersecurity and learn how to use common cyber defensive security strategies and tools. Most bootcamps will have a final project to test what you learned in class.

Comparing bootcamps to traditional education

The structure and learning outcomes of a tech bootcamp are quite different from traditional classes and programs at a college or university.

At a basic level, bootcamps are more focused training for a much shorter duration (usually a few months). Traditional college or university programs are longer (three to four years) and include credits in subjects you may not be interested in.

Bootcamps Traditional learning
Prerequisites Must pass a skills or logic test Typically require high school graduation
Focus Singular specialty Covers several related specialties
Duration Several months Several years (depending on the degree obtained)
Mentoring + career services Career services and mentorship opportunities included in bootcamp fees for some institutions You must ask for these opportunities separate from your program
Internships or practicums Real-life projects or practicums included Sometimes includes practicums
Tuition $3,500 - $20,000 for a 3-6 month program $7,000 - 22,000 (per year x3-4 years)

Bootcamps are great for those who know they want to pursue cybersecurity and can commit to upskilling in this specialty for only a few months. Traditional learning options are better for those who want to be generalists or are unsure what specialty they want. They are willing to learn multiple related specialties over several years for a degree.

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Funding programs for cybersecurity bootcamps

The benefits of bootcamps are becoming widely known. Many organizations financially support the upskilling and reskilling of Canadians pursuing careers in in-demand fields like cybersecurity.

Thanks to Lighthouse Labs’ strong partnership with Upskill Canada (powered by Palette Skills) and the Government of Canada, some bootcamp students may qualify for funding for their Cybersecurity Bootcamp at Lighthouse Labs. Qualified students can access the accelerated 12-week Cybersecurity Diploma Program for $3,500 (instead of the full $14,000 tuition fee).

Secure your future: Learn, earn, and get certified with Lighthouse Labs’ Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Skills gained in a Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Bootcamps are designed to maximize your time and success. You will develop a strong, core set of technical skills, and get the opportunity to hone your soft (or transferable) skills.

Technical skills

  • Network security fundamentals
  • Incident response
  • Forensics
  • Encryption
  • Coding
  • Building threat detection engines
  • Ethical hacking and penetration testing
  • Cybersecurity team structures

Soft skills

  • Problem-solving
  • Technical aptitude
  • Business acumen
  • Communication
  • Attention to detail
  • Teamwork
  • Discipline and reliability
  • Adaptability
  • Foresight
  • Persistence and Tenacity

Learn why these soft skills are important in cybersecurity.

Hands-on learning

Bootcamps emphasize teaching up-to-date, real-world knowledge. That’s why hands-on work and projects are so important in this accelerated learning environment.

For example, Lighthouse Labs provides an immersive, hands-on experience for students to learn by doing. You will also get to work on a capstone project, combining your months of knowledge to research and write a security assessment of a facetious (or real) organization. This experience helps you understand how all your learning fits together with real-world cybersecurity job demands.

Download the Lighthouse Labs Cybersecurity Bootcamp curriculum to read more about what you’ll learn in our program.

Can a bootcamp prepare you for industry certifications?

Yes. Because bootcamps emphasize up-to-date and real-world knowledge sharing, many skills you learn in class can help you earn industry certifications. These certifications can help you successfully apply for more intermediate or senior roles and earn more money.

Here are a few cybersecurity industry certifications to consider acquiring:

Learn more about what to expect in a Cybersecurity Bootcamp.

Career prospects after a Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Cybercrime has been on the rise in recent years. The Canadian Anti‑Fraud Centre estimates cybercrimes to contribute to over $1 billion in corporate losses by 2028 (but acknowledges that number may be higher as only 5-10% of crimes are reported). The need for skilled cybersecurity specialists must increase to meet these new threats and demands. This demand creates a great opportunity if you’re pursuing a new career in this niche.

Cybersecurity specialists are in high demand in many sectors, including government, military, big tech companies, and banks. However, the need for digital security is universal, and any company with digital systems (virtually every company) can benefit from having a cybersecurity professional on staff or through a consulting firm.

Here are five entry-level roles you may consider upon graduation from a Cybersecurity Bootcamp:

Cybersecurity Analyst

Average annual salary: $80,712

As a Cybersecurity Analyst, you protect an organization's digital assets. You will identify potential vulnerabilities, monitor threats, and respond to incidents.

Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst

Average annual salary: $62,722

As a SOC Analyst, you monitor an organization's security infrastructure. This may include detecting and responding to incidents, protecting overall cybersecurity, and collaborating with IT and security teams to prevent and resolve security breaches.

Security Researcher

Average annual salary: $102,443

Cybersecurity Researchers enjoy staying current on industry trends. Their job is to design security protocols and monitor the evolution of malware, cyber hacks, system vulnerabilities, and risk mitigation strategies.

Incident Responder/Handler

Average annual salary: $61,368

Do you think fast on your feet and are great at problem-solving under pressure? Then, you’d be a great Cyber Incident Responder or Handler. In this role, you’ll identify, analyze, mitigate, and remediate cyber penetrations to minimize their impacts on the organization.

Learn more about five entry-level cybersecurity jobs.

Making the decision: Is a Cybersecurity Bootcamp right for you?

If you can answer yes to the following questions, then a Cybersecurity Bootcamp may be right for you:

  • Can you dedicate yourself to an intensive 12 or 30-week program?
  • Do you want to enter the cybersecurity job market right after graduation?
  • Would you benefit from mentorship and career coaching?
  • Do you want to build up your soft and transferable skills while learning cybersecurity?
  • Is it a struggle to budget your time and money ($7,000 - 22,000 per year for 3-4 years) for a traditional learning program?

If you're still unsure, perhaps these FAQs might answer your questions:

Is cybersecurity a good entry-level career choice?

You can get a good entry-level job in cybersecurity after taking just one intensive bootcamp. Cybersecurity is a good career choice for those who enjoy solving challenges, have a strong technical understanding, and are interested in technology and protecting digital systems from hacks and threats.

How much can I make in cybersecurity?

Your cybersecurity salary will be based on your education, certifications, and experience. Entry-level positions in Canada could earn you between $61,000 - 102,000 per year, with more senior positions earning more.

Is a master's degree better than a bootcamp for cybersecurity?

A master's degree can be valuable in cybersecurity but is not necessary. You can get an entry-level role in a few months with an intensive bootcamp like the 12- or 30-week Cybersecurity Bootcamp from Lighthouse Labs.

How to get upskilled in cybersecurity

Are you ready to protect and defend digital systems with your new cybersecurity knowledge? Our industry-driven and instructor-led curriculum prepares you with job-ready skills for a successful cybersecurity career.

Submit your application for the Lighthouse Labs Cybersecurity Bootcamp now. We have programs starting nearly every month!

Learn more and apply today.