Skills to look for when hiring for web development roles

Web development roles are growing in importance in today’s digital landscape. As it continues to evolve, web development roles have become increasingly crucial for businesses across all industries as transactions continue to increase online. The dependence on a business's online presence means the scope of these developer roles includes essential business needs such as:

  • Designing websites or web applications
  • Updating website content
  • Collaborating with others to resolve information technology issues
  • Creating electronic data backup to prevent loss of information
  • Resolving computer software problems

Developers need to have the perfect blend of technical skills and core competencies to successfully meet companies' development needs. They need to be adept in the languages and frameworks used by your company as well as have the ability to think on their feet, communicate effectively, and adapt to the ever-changing tech landscape. So, we know hiring the right full-stack developer involves a careful balance of technical proficiency and interpersonal skills, but how can we identify what specific skills to look for?

Lighthouse Labs’ Web Development Bootcamp provides students with the essential technical skills needed for a successful career in web development. In addition to the core technical knowledge, the program also fosters crucial soft skills such as adaptability, problem-solving, and a growth mindset, which are vital in the fast-evolving tech industry. Continue reading to discover the key technical and non-technical skills to consider when hiring for web developer roles.

Understanding developer roles

Before we start diving into the skills to look out for when hiring developers, it’s important to understand the difference between a back-end developer, a front-end developer, and a full-stack developer.

  • A back-end developer is a software engineer who specializes in creating and maintaining the server-side components of web applications.
  • A front-end developer is a software engineer who specializes in creating the user-facing part of web applications. They focus on the visual and interactive aspects of websites and applications, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience.
  • A full-stack developer is proficient in both front-end and back-end development. They handle the complete development process of web applications, from designing user interfaces to managing server-side logic and databases.

The evolution of web development roles has been shaped by technological advancements, changing user expectations, and the increasing complexity of web applications. This increase in complexity goes hand-in-hand with more sophisticated and knowledgeable users, increasing the need for more intricate user experiences.

Web development roles involve a wide range of tasks, from constructing and maintaining websites to creating complex web apps. These roles have an impact on businesses by increasing online visibility, improving user experience, and driving digital transformation, all of which are essential in the digital world we live in. Developers ensure your customers can shop seamlessly online.

In line with evolving industry needs, businesses must stay ahead by focusing on emerging skills and technologies. Identifying and nurturing the right skills is essential for success in this dynamic field. However, with the ever-evolving technological advancements, identifying what skills to focus on can be tricky.

Essential technical skills

Technical skills are important when hiring for web roles. It’s always nice to find a candidate who is proficient in the exact languages that your technical team works with. You should add those skills to your list to look out for during the interview process. It’s also important that new hires have a strong understanding of software engineering principles.

Programming languages are fundamental tools in web development, each offering unique features and capabilities for building and enhancing web applications. Key languages include HTML for structuring content, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for adding interactivity. Effective web development engineering principles involve a focus on clean, maintainable code, adherence to best practices for performance optimization, and ensuring a responsive, user-friendly design.

By leveraging these principles and languages, developers create robust and dynamic web solutions that meet both functional and aesthetic requirements.

Web development languages

These are the foundational languages of web development:

  • HTML structures web content by using a variety of building blocks, such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and lists, to create the foundation of a webpage. It defines the layout and organization of content, determining how text, media, and interactive elements are presented and how they relate to each other on the page. Using tags and attributes, HTML ensures that content is displayed correctly across different browsers and devices, making it an essential tool for web development.
  • CSS brings design and aesthetics to web content by controlling the visual appearance of HTML elements. It allows developers to define styles, such as colours, fonts, spacing, and layouts, making the web pages visually appealing and user-friendly. By separating content from design, CSS ensures that the styling can be easily updated or changed without altering the underlying HTML structure, providing flexibility and efficiency in web development.
  • JavaScript is the programming language that brings web pages to life by adding interactivity and dynamic features. Unlike HTML and CSS, which are primarily focused on structure and design, JavaScript allows for real-time user interaction and the creation of responsive, engaging experiences. With JavaScript, developers can implement features like form validation, interactive maps, animations, and dynamic content updates without requiring a page reload.

Sometimes we brush over the basics, but having a strong foundation is important as a web developer.

Graduates of the Lighthouse Labs Web Development Bootcamp will be proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more, while also gaining the soft skills needed to pick up new languages quickly.

If you are looking for developers proficient in these languages, connect with our Talent Acquisition team to hire a developer now.

"I think Lighthouse Labs grads make good hires for TELUS and TELUS Digital because they are trained with the right information and given adequate support through their schooling. The candidates come through with the right mindset and are eager to apply their knowledge and skills in the technical field."

- Sareena Motwane, Talent Partner, TELUS Digital

Beyond the basics, web developers are often required to be knowledgeable in the following server-side languages:

  • PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development, enabling dynamic content and database interaction within websites. In short, PHP is an essential technical skill due to its widespread use in web development, ease of learning, database integration capabilities, and strong community support.
  • C# is a modern, object-oriented programming language for building applications and web services. Its versatility, integration with Microsoft technologies, suitability for enterprise and game development, and strong community and ecosystem support make it an incredibly valuable technical skill.
  • Java is a versatile, object-oriented language designed for cross-platform compatibility, known for its portability, security, and performance. Java is widely used in various domains, including enterprise-level applications, Android app development, and large-scale systems due to its ability to run on any device equipped with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), its extensive libraries, and its strong community support.
  • Python is a high-level, interpreted language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility in web, data, and automation tasks. Its clean and easy-to-read syntax allows developers to write clear and logical code, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced programmers. Its versatility and ease of integration with other technologies make Python a valuable tool for developers and researchers alike
  • Ruby is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and productivity. It emphasizes a clean, elegant syntax that is easy to read and write, making it an attractive choice for developers. Ruby is particularly notable for its use in web development through the Ruby on Rails framework, which simplifies the process of building robust, scalable web applications by providing conventions and built-in tools. Its focus on developer happiness and rapid application development has made Ruby a popular choice.
  • Golang (also known as Go) is a statically typed, compiled language known for its simplicity, multitasking, and performance. Its performance, concurrency support, simplicity, and suitability for modern cloud and microservices architectures, without forgetting its growing adoption across the tech industry, places this technical skill among the top server-side languages.

These are some of the most in-demand languages. Overall, server-side languages are an important part of web development because they enable developers to create powerful, scalable, and secure web applications that can meet the needs of users and businesses alike.

Software engineering principles

Now that we’ve covered the languages that you should look out for when hiring for web development roles, the next areas to focus on are software engineering principles, including version control systems, testing, containerization, and continuous integration/deployment.

Let’s dive into some of these software engineering principles:

  • Git: Tracks and manages code changes efficiently, which is essential for managing code effectively, facilitating collaboration, and ensuring project integrity in software engineering. It enables version control, allowing teams to track changes, collaborate effectively, and manage code revisions systematically. It helps prevent conflicts, facilitates code review, and maintains a history of changes, which is crucial for both individual and team-based development projects.
  • Testing frameworks: Ensures code reliability and quality before release, guaranteeing software quality, reliability, and maintainability. It plays a crucial role in modern software development practices to ensure error-free code is pushed to production. They are crucial because they automate the process of checking code for errors and ensure software functions correctly. They improve code quality, reliability, and maintainability, while also saving time by catching issues early and simplifying the testing process.
  • Docker: Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run container applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. It simplifies the deployment and management of applications by using containers, which ensure consistency across different environments, streamline workflows, and enhance scalability and efficiency.
  • Continuous integration/Continuous deployment (CI/CD): This is a series of steps that must be performed to deliver a new version of software. It simplifies the development process, allowing for frequent, automated updates and guaranteeing that new code works seamlessly with existing systems by accelerating development cycles, improving code quality, and ensuring faster, more reliable releases. This makes it a key version control system when an existing system needs a refresh.

Now that you are aware of the technical skills to look out for when hiring for web developer roles, it’s just as important to consider which soft skills to look out for when hiring.

Crucial developer soft skills

A well-rounded web developer has a balance between technical and soft skills. When looking for an ideal candidate, it’s important to keep in mind that the most technically skilled candidate needs to find a balance to be able to remain adaptable in the ever-changing tech landscape. A great candidate needs to have soft skills too to work cross-functionally and deliver high-quality work on time.

Some of the core soft skills to look for include:

  1. Adaptability & continuous learning: The tech industry evolves rapidly. Developers must continuously update their skills through upskilling to remain relevant. For example, AI tools like ChatGPT are increasingly used to assist in coding tasks, automate routine programming jobs, and provide real-time code suggestions, making ongoing learning and adaptability crucial for staying ahead in the field.
  2. Attention to detail: Precision is key in web development since it ensures accuracy, functionality, and user experience, preventing errors and enhancing overall quality. One small error in code could mean hours of work trying to fix it.
  3. Communication & teamwork: Effective communication is essential to align goals and objectives, and to foster collaboration between developers and stakeholders. Many members of the organization will have opinions and demands for the look and UX/UI of the website and/or application, so it is important to be able to communicate with both technical and non-technical stakeholders to ensure alignment.
  4. Time management: Web development projects often involve tight deadlines with consequences if deadlines are missed. Problem-solving: Strong problem-solving skills are crucial to overcome challenges, and to create effective solutions for user needs. Advanced problem-solving skills lead to innovative solutions and advantages over competition.
  5. Emotional intelligence: The ability to embrace constructive feedback and continually grow is essential. Having emotional intelligence leads to a positive work environment and opens doors for growth opportunities.

Our bootcamps promote a culture of lifelong learning, encouraging students to continuously expand their knowledge and adapt to new challenges throughout their careers. The immersive and intensive nature of our bootcamps is designed to cultivate and nurture a range of essential soft skills, helping students become well-rounded web developers.

In web development, collaboration is key. Our curriculum emphasizes a team-centric approach, integrating group projects and pair programming to foster a collaborative learning environment. The goal is to set up students with the tools they need to be effective, adaptive, and curious in their careers as developers. This holistic approach ensures that graduates are not only proficient in web development but also equipped with the interpersonal and professional skills needed to excel in dynamic and fast-paced environments.

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Web development in action

Web developer roles are transforming industries such as healthcare, retail, and finance. From customizable wishlists to virtual credit and debit cards and touchless payment options, to automated doctor’s appointments saved directly to patients’ online calendars, web development has made overall experiences in these industries effortless. Let’s break it down.


Thanks to the ongoing advancements in web development, the healthcare industry has seen major optimizations like:

  • Telemedicine: Once upon a (not so long ago) time, the only way to receive medical attention was to either schedule an in-person appointment or go to the ER. Thanks to the impact of web development advancements (and some additional push from a global pandemic), patients no longer need to be physically present to talk to a medical professional.
  • Patient portals and medical histories: Patients and doctors alike can now access everything they need in one place. Instead of browsing through endless patient archives, doctors can now pull up their patients’ profiles, and add notes, prescriptions, and instructions for other specialists without fearing the information might be misplaced. On the other hand, patients no longer need to show up at their local pharmacist with an illegible prescription to get their medicine needs covered. With just one click, the prescription can be sent to the patient’s preferred pharmacy.
  • Healthcare apps and remote monitoring: Web development has led to the creation of numerous healthcare applications, including fitness trackers, medication reminders, and symptom checkers. These apps provide patients with tools to monitor their health, manage chronic conditions, and receive personalized health information. They can also alert medical professionals if a patient is experiencing a life-threatening episode through connected devices and sensors.


Web development has positively impacted retail, specifically e-commerce, through many improvements, such as:

  • Innovations in online stores are making them more user-friendly and accessible, including store management, better tools for product listings, more intuitive inventory management, and seamless customer transaction experience.
  • Enhanced user experience allows customers to be able to shop effortlessly on various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops, with each designed for the best experience while shopping, including faster loading times, and interactive elements such as virtual shopping assistants and automated coupon and deal finders.
  • Leveraging advanced marketing and analytics tools through integration with marketing platforms, SEO optimization, and data analytics allows businesses to track customer engagement and overall performance, and optimize their marketing strategies.


Web development has transformed the finance industry by making financial services more efficient, accessible, and secure with improvements, such as:

  • Online and mobile banking: In a similar way to how the healthcare industry has evolved, long gone are the days when we had to go to the bank in person or carry around our chequebooks. Although these options are still around, users can now access their bank information from the tip of their fingers, pay in-store without having to take their wallets out with touchless technology, and even request a bank loan from the comfort of their couch.
  • Financial services platforms: A wide range of financial products, including investment management, insurance, and personal finance tools are now available in a plethora of web-based financial services platforms. Users can now stick to a budget without having to save each paper receipt and jot the expense down on a piece of paper. With multi-channel integrations, their spending can be tracked and categorized according to their personal financial needs.
  • Fraud detection and security: The security of financial transactions has been enhanced through advanced encryption, multi-factor authentication, and fraud detection systems. We no longer need to wait for our bank statements to be mailed to us to identify a transaction as fraudulent.

Lighthouse Labs’ grads in action

Our graduates have successfully deployed numerous web development projects, illustrating their journey from learning to applying their skills in real-world scenarios. These projects exemplify how creative thinking and innovative approaches can lead to groundbreaking solutions, illustrating the practical application of their web development skills through effective time management and teamwork.

Want to see our upcoming graduates’ final projects in action? Attend our Demo Day and experience firsthand the innovative solutions they’ve created.

Interview questions for developer roles

When interviewing for web development roles, it’s essential to assess both technical and soft skills. Here are some questions to consider:

Technical questions:

  1. Explain how you would optimize a website’s performance.
  2. Describe a challenging bug you encountered and how you resolved it.
  3. How would you handle form validation in a web application, and what are some common approaches or tools you use?
  4. Describe how you would implement responsive design for a website.

Soft skill questions:

  1. How do you handle tight deadlines?
  2. Describe a time when you had to explain a technical concept to a non-technical stakeholder.
  3. How do you handle feedback and criticism of your work? Can you provide an example of how you used feedback to improve your performance?
  4. Describe a time when you had to quickly adapt to a significant change in a project or work environment. How did you manage the transition and ensure continued success?

For more developer interview question ideas, take a look at this blog post.

Building your web development team

Building your ideal team means choosing people with the right skills who work well together. It’s important to create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated. Knowing what path to take when making this decision can ensure the best results for your business needs.

There are 2 ways to build your ideal team. You can either nurture the existing talent in your company or you can hire new talent to fill those gaps. There are pros and cons to each so it’s important to take your company goals, culture, and structure into consideration when weighing your options.

Let’s explore these 2 options further.

1. Nurture your existing talent

This approach fosters a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Additionally, it strengthens team dynamics and morale, as employees feel valued and motivated. The team member is also fully onboarded to internal processes and fully understands your company already. If you have a relatively small team with not a ton of room for lateral mobility, this might not be the option for you even if continuous learning is a part of your culture. That being said, it could mean that you train the existing employee and hire to replace them in their old role.

Here are some ways to nurture the existing talent within your team:

  • Skill assessment: Regularly evaluate the skills of your team to ensure employees feel valued and supported, leading to higher retention rates. Additionally, they help align employees’ abilities with the company’s goals, fostering a more effective and motivated workforce. This also allows you and your team members to determine what skills they may want to develop further.
  • Continuous training: Offer upskill and reskill opportunities to current employees. Providing ongoing learning opportunities shows employees that the organization values their growth and development, which increases loyalty and reduces turnover.
  • Mentorship programs: Encourage experienced developers to mentor new hires to enhance personalized development, engagement, knowledge transfer, career growth, and support.

If you want to laterally move some team members into your development team, we suggest leveraging most, if not all of these strategies to do so. First, use skill assessments to determine which employees may have some of the critical soft skills and maybe even some of the technical skills. Then, enroll them into a reskilling program that aligns with your goals, like the Lighthouse Labs Web Development Bootcamp. Finally, post-program, team them up with a mentor to help ease their transition into the development team at your organization.

2. Hire new talent

Sometimes change can be challenging or even scary, not only for employees but for managers too. However, there’s a lot of value in hiring new talent since it can bring substantial improvements to your organization by injecting fresh ideas, skills, and even a change in your team dynamics and energy. It’s also a great option if you are looking to scale your team and/or organization.

Here are a few reasons why this might be a good option for your business:

  • Fresh perspectives and ideas: New hires can bring different viewpoints and ideas, as well as experiences. This can lead to innovative solutions, creative approaches to problems, and a more diverse way of thinking within your organization.
  • Up-to-date skills: New talent often comes with the latest knowledge and skills, particularly if they are recent graduates or have been working in cutting-edge fields, which makes it an incredibly valuable option.
  • Improved company culture: Fresh talent can contribute to a positive and inclusive company culture. Diverse backgrounds and experiences enrich the workplace environment and foster a culture of learning and growth.

Once you’ve decided that you want to hire new talent, you’ve determined which skills you’re looking for, and gone through a smooth hiring process, it’s time to ensure the new developers' onboarding process is just as amazing.

Check out our junior developer onboarding guide to ensure your new hire is onboarded effectively and efficiently.

Ready to hire a job-ready developer? Connect with our Talent Acquisition team.

“Lighthouse Lab has proven to be an invaluable asset to my startup journey with professionals seamlessly integrating into Appy.Yo and hitting the ground running. The talent pool is exceptional; these individuals are not only enthusiastic but also brimming with knowledge and ambition. What's particularly inspiring is witnessing their collaborative spirit as they form groups within their classes and then converge to tackle projects together, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and collaboration. Lighthouse Lab's comprehensive approach enables me to address every aspect of product development, from UI/UX design to cybersecurity, with confidence. I eagerly anticipate continuing this partnership and collaborating with future cohorts to further enhance our offerings at Appy.Yo.
In leveraging the resources and expertise provided by Lighthouse Lab, Appy.Yo has experienced a remarkable synergy that propels our innovation forward. Through this collaboration, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of empowering students to apply their skills in a practical setting, all while maintaining the agility necessary for a startup environment. The energy and enthusiasm these graduates bring to the table are contagious, invigorating our team and infusing our projects with fresh perspectives. Moreover, the group dynamics fostered within the program facilitate robust discussions, creative problem-solving, and ultimately, the development of cutting-edge solutions. With Lighthouse Lab's comprehensive curriculum covering everything from product design development all the way to cybersecurity, I am afforded the opportunity to oversee each stage of development with precision and thoroughness. As we look to the future, I am excited to deepen our engagement with Lighthouse Lab and continue harnessing the talent and expertise of its students to drive Appy.Yo's growth and success.”

- Nadia H., Founder, Appy.Yo

Discover why Appy.yo partners with Lighthouse Labs by hiring our recent grads.

By focusing on both technical and soft skills, employers can build strong, dynamic teams capable of driving digital transformation.

Investing in hiring and training for these roles is crucial, and Lighthouse Labs is here to support you every step of the way.

Looking for a web developer? Bridge the tech talent gap with Lighthouse Labs.