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Posts by Alana Walker

What to Expect from a Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Sep. 11 2023
Alana Walker

Wondering what a cybersecurity bootcamp is all about? We break down everything you need to know from the learning environment, how to choose the right bootcamp, and where it all can take you in the future.

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Web Development and AI: Challenges and Opportunities

Sep. 11 2023
Alana Walker

Some might tell you that AI is the end of the world as we know it. But we think otherwise: especially when it comes to tech careers. We discuss the current risks and opportunities AI presents for web developers and hobby coders.

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What is data science?

Aug. 31 2023
Alana Walker

Data science plays an integral role in our lives. Whether it be keeping your medical records in order at your local clinic or perusing the “Recommended for you” section on Netflix, we interact with this growing domain every day. So, what exactly is data science? Read on for the full rundown.

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Data Science and AI: Challenges and Opportunities

Aug. 28 2023
Alana Walker

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Six Best Resources to Learn Coding Online

Aug. 23 2023
Alana Walker

Software engineering is an exciting and promising career. With demand skyrocketing for those with relevant skills, those looking to join this lucrative career will have no shortage of creative ways to put them to use.

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How To Get a Data Science Job in 2024

Aug. 18 2023
Alana Walker

Data science is and will continue to be one of the top career paths in the coming decade. With this in mind, those looking to enter the field might be wondering how they can acquire the right skills to land them their first job. That's why we put together this guide with everything you need to get a job in data science in 2024.

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Bootcamp or Intro Course: Which is right for me?

Aug. 16 2023
Alana Walker

Lighthouse Labs has a host of online programs and courses in web development, cybersecurity, and data. With so many options and schedules to choose from, it can be overwhelming to try and choose which is the right fit for you. That’s why we made this handy guide to make the decision as easy as possible for you.

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What Is Data Analytics

Aug. 11 2023
Alana Walker

Data analytics is among the fastest growing careers; so what exactly is it? We lay out the basics in this blog as well as the career paths and opportunities that exist should you choose to dive into this exciting world.

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Canada’s Growing Tech Scene

Aug. 10 2023
Alana Walker

Toronto has long led the charge when it comes to known tech hubs in Canada, but other cities are now making their entrance. Read about how Canada is making its mark on the global tech scene.

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Preparing for the 2024 Job Market

Aug. 09 2023
Alana Walker

The 2023 job market is ... intense. With technology changing more rapidly than ever before, can tech workers keep up? We lay out current and future trends and how tech hopefuls can navigate the future job market.

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Eight Essential Skills For Cybersecurity Analysts

Aug. 08 2023
Alana Walker

Hopeful cybersecurity analysts need certain skills to increase their chances of landing their dream job and succeeding long-term. We cover eight of them; and that's just the beginning.

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The Top 10 Skills of a Data Scientist in 2024

Aug. 02 2023
Alana Walker

Given the upward trend in those looking to start a career as a data scientist, we put together a list of the hard and soft skills you'll need to start a successful career.

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Recession Proof Tech Jobs for Lighthouse Labs Bootcamp Graduates

Jul. 06 2023
Alana Walker

It's no questions that unsteady economic waters give us cause for concern when it comes to job stability. While no job is completely immune to a recession, there are certain areas which tend to do better than others.

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Tech Jobs in Film, Music, Fashion, and Other Industries

Jun. 30 2023
Alana Walker

One characteristic that those across the tech industry share is creativity. Though web designers often get the credit for their creative chops, all tech jobs require ingenious problem-solving, the ability to work around obstacles, and brainstorming. Fortunately, many artistic industries are ready and waiting to hire those with a tech background to help their businesses flourish. Check out our list in the blog.

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A Year of Successes: How Lighthouse Labs Grads are Thriving in 2023

Jun. 30 2023
Alana Walker

We take a more recent look at our grads from the past year and how their careers started out on a positive note despite tough times.

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