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Staying Healthy During Bootcamp

Sep. 12 2018
Lauren Girdler

Attending bootcamp takes determination and grit, but self-care is just as important. It can be easy to fall into bad habits like skipping out on sleep and not eating well. However, staying healthy while attending bootcamp will actually help you succeed!

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Teacher Feature: Rohit Dhand

Aug. 30 2018
Lauren Girdler

Rohit Dhand is one of our amazing Vancouver instructors who has been working in computers and programming for almost 30 years.

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The Power of Hybrid & Tech Adjacent Roles

Career Services
Aug. 23 2018
Charlyne Fothergill

Many companies are learning there is a need for coding knowledge beyond their developers. Keep reading to learn about hybrid jobs in the tech world.

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One Year After Bootcamp: Jackson Cunningham

Aug. 15 2018
Lauren Girdler

Taking the Web Development Bootcamp in Vancouver allowed Jackson to make the switch from mortgage broker to web developer. He now works full-time on his own business called Tuft + Paw which sell beautiful, modern cat furniture.

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6 Reasons Designers Should Learn to Code

Aug. 09 2018
Lauren Girdler

By having an understanding of what's possible with code, designers can open up a wider range of career opportunities.

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Adaptation, Collaboration, and Unique Career Journeys: Insights from the Resolver Team

Career Services
Aug. 07 2018
Anna Hermansen

Read about the the first event in a planned “Career Journeys” series that engage our employer community in discussions on what it means to be a developer. Thanks to the Resolver team for hosting us and producing such an interesting and relevant discussion!

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The Value of Investing in Kindergarten to Grade 12 Teachers and Coding Education

Jul. 19 2018
Don Burks

One fundamental reason for teaching digital literacy is impact. Teachers from kindergarten up to grade 12 are advocates and evangelists for lifelong learning.

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Lighthouse Labs Employer Spotlight: Beanworks

Career Services
Jul. 11 2018
Lauren Girdler

Beanworks is no stranger to Lighthouse Labs, having hired (as of this interview) five graduates for their team! Read below for our full interview with Reza Sanaie, Beanworks CIO.

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Our Tech World: Understanding the Value of Technical Training

Jul. 03 2018
Don Burks

It is worth exploring how technology touches our lives as a vehicle for bringing about a deeper and more thorough understanding of the value of technical training, digital literacy, and fluency with the types of problem-solving skills that are needed to work with computers.

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Lighthouse Labs Bootcamp Students Now Eligible for Alberta Student Aid

Jun. 26 2018
Lauren Girdler

Lighthouse Labs full-time Web Development Bootcamp has been approved by the Alberta government as being eligible for Alberta Student Aid!

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Blockchain Outside of CryptoCurrency

May. 30 2018
Don Burks

Most references to blockchain are about Bitcoin, but there are many implementations of blockchain which are helping to bring it into the mainstream.

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The Non-Technical Qualities of a Great Developer

Career Services
May. 16 2018
Corey Leung

Being a Software Developer is so much more than just an ability to code. There are a variety of interpersonal and non-technical skills that are just as crucial to success.

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Online vs. In-person Coding Education

May. 09 2018
Sarah Foot

So you want to learn to code? Congratulations! With online and offline options, paid and free, deciding what is best for you can take some time and energy. At Lighthouse Labs, it’s our opinion that everyone has their own learning style, and education isn’t one size fits all.

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Build Your Digital Skill Set with Coding

May. 03 2018
Lauren Girdler

Not long ago, coding was the exclusive domain of developers. But in our increasingly digital world, knowledge of coding is useful, and even necessary, for a much broader range of functions and professions.

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Employer Spotlight: TouchBistro

Career Services
Apr. 19 2018
Carmen Tsang

TouchBistro is no stranger to Lighthouse Labs, having hired 5 graduates to their team! Read our interview with Derek Harasen, Development Manager at TouchBistro, to see what an employer is looking for when hiring bootcamp graduates.

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