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Hot Chicken and Cool Code

Nov. 23 2015
Don Burks

Don Burks had the pleasure of attending the Nodevember conference conference in Nashville, Tennessee! Here’s his highlight reel, from favourite speakers to lots of love for bootcamps.

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Teacher Feature: Monica Olinescu

Nov. 09 2015
Rebecca Haliburton

At Lighthouse Labs, we believe that having incredible teachers is an invaluable part of our students' success. We are lucky to have amazing teachers who are top craftsmen in their field. They have been working as professional developers for over 10 years and are ready to pay that experience forward. We want to take the time to get to know these teachers a little better. Next up, our Ruby on Rails wizard: Monica!

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Without Code Literacy and Education, Canada Will Not Have a Strong Economy

Sep. 29 2015
Jeremy Shaki & Khurram Virani

Our Co-Founders Jeremy and Khurram, want to see the Conservative, NDP, Liberal, and Green Party leader’s commit to kickstarting the discussion in parliament on code literacy, outcome ­based education, and Canadian innovation through technology.

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Teacher Feature: Leigh Halliday

Sep. 17 2015
Topaz Glazer

At Lighthouse Labs, we believe that having incredible teachers is an invaluable part of our students' success. We are lucky to have amazing teachers who are top craftsmen in their field. They have been working as professional developers for over 10 years and are ready to pay that experience forward. We want to take the time to get to know these teachers a little better. Next up, our Web Fundamentals Leigh Halliday!

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Teacher Feature: Don Burks

Sep. 01 2015
Topaz Glazer

At Lighthouse Labs, we believe that having incredible teachers is an invaluable part of our students' success. We are lucky to have amazing teachers who are top craftsmen in their field. They have been working as professional developers for over 10 years and are ready to pay that experience forward. We want to take the time to get to know these teachers a little better. First up, our Head Instructor Don Burks!

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Code It Forward: A Hackathon For Genuine Social Good

Aug. 11 2015
Don Burks

On July 25-26th, a group of developers, designers, and ideators got together to do something special for the Vancouver community. Don Burks recaps our first-ever Code It Forward hackathon.

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The Quick-Start Guide To Setting Up A Hackathon

Jul. 19 2015
Don Burks

Our Head Instructor describes the 8 things your hackathon can't go without, as well as some insider tips for planning the event

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4 Must-Read Newsletters For Developers

Jul. 11 2015
Don Burks

In the world of development, staying current is key. If you want to be an asset to your company, or innovate on your own project, you need to be aware of emerging trends, current technologies, and thought leaders in our space.

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5 Shortcuts To Becoming A Keyboard Power User

Jun. 24 2015
Don Burks

To be a great developer, you need to be a keyboard wizard. Don shares just a few of the tips and tricks that make his fingers fly.

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Student Feature: What Happens When A Lighthouse Grad Goes To WWDC?

Jun. 19 2015
Michael Steele

Our iOS bootcamp's youngest graduate, Kai Aldag, won a scholarship to attend WWDC for an app he coded entirely in Swift. We talked to him about his experience.

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Guest Post: Supporting Women In Tech

May. 11 2015
Sarah Johnson, Senior Physics Lecturer, SFU

Sarah Johnson, SFU Physics Professor, talks about the struggles and achievements of women in tech today. She also talks about Jeremy's role in an upcoming conference!

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The One-Year(And Beyond) Bootcamp

Apr. 23 2015
Michael Steele

To be an alumni at Lighthouse Labs means more than just knowing how to code. Michael Steele talks about our community and alumni services.

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Our Favourite Sites From The HTML500

Jan. 30 2015
Michael Steele

The HTML500 attendees are able to create some pretty cool things after one day of coding. See exactly what they are here!

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The HTML500: Learning Technology Through Community

Jan. 28 2015
Charlie Yu

Charlie Yu attends the HTML500 in Vancouver and reflects about how it brings the Vancouver tech community together, and how that makes it a better learning experience for everyone.

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Creating To Inspire: Why We Built The HTML500

Jan. 22 2015
Jeremy Shaki

Jeremy Shaki talks about how digital literacy and the learn to code movement spurred his development bootcamp to create The HTML500.

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