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One Year After Bootcamp: Charlotte Lopez

Mar. 22 2017
Rebecca Haliburton

Before coming to Lighthouse Labs, Charlotte Lopez was working as a Graphic Operator & Designer with CBC. Now, she's creating interactive graphics for clients like Disney and Teletoon as a Designer + Developer for Corus Entertainment. We caught up with Charlotte to learn more about her career transition and life after Bootcamp

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iOS Bootcamp Grads Get Published To The App Store

Mar. 15 2017
Sarah Foot

Our grads constantly impress us. The news of Justine Herman and Carmen Cheng recently launching their iOS app to Apple's App store just weeks after completing Bootcamp is no different! What started out as their Demo Day project has turned into so much more - after many hours collaborating with each other and mentors, FaceForward is ready to roll out to the public.

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Lighthouse Labs a Private Career College in Ontario

Feb. 23 2017
Rachel Greenspan

Lighthouse Labs is accredited as a Private Career College (PCC) in Ontario.

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Teacher Feature: Dan Bidulock

Feb. 22 2017
Danielle Torrie

Dan is an instructor at our Calgary campus and has been delivering amazing free workshops in HTML & CSS for the community. Dan comes from a diverse background, covering everything from computer science to a Masters in Divinity, but has always had a passion for teaching. When the stars aligned and an opportunity to teach at LHL came up, it was the perfect next step for Dan. Take a read and learn more about our beloved Calgary instructor!

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Freelancing As A Coding Bootcamp Graduate

Career Services
Feb. 02 2017
Chriscelle Dela Cruz

Our alumni and mentor community is filled with developers who have experience working as freelancers. We polled our network looking for advice for any coding bootcamp graduate looking to pursue the freedom of working for yourself! Inside you'll find valuable insight on the best ways to pursue a career as a freelancing software developer.

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One Year After Bootcamp: Reinhardt Cagara

Jan. 17 2017
Rebecca Haliburton

If you've attended an event at our Vancouver campus, you've likely met Reinhardt! Whether it's attending a Demo Day and meetups, volunteering as a mentor, working on side projects with fellow alumni or hunting for the last slice of pizza, he's an actively adored member of our alumni community.

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Welcoming Back The HTML500

Jan. 10 2017
Topaz Glazer

The HTML500 began in 2014 with the belief that every Canadian should have the opportunity to learn to code, not for the sake of becoming programmers, but to promote critical thinking, problem solving and empower attendees to create, not just consume, technology.

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Getting Hired After A Coding Bootcamp

Career Services
Dec. 22 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Coming in to a coding bootcamp, students often have one goal in mind: get a job. Who is going to hire you when you've only been coding for 12 weeks?

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Employer Spotlight: Mobify

Career Services
Dec. 13 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Mobify is no stranger to Lighthouse Labs, having hired 4 graduates for their team! Course Report caught up with Mobify's Talent Aquision Manager to learn about their experience hiring Bootcamp graduates and working with Career Services.

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Everyone Can Learn To Code With The HTML500

Dec. 08 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

In celebration of Hour of Code, we're incredibly excited to announce that the HTML500 is back! We're bringing Canada's largest free learn-to-code event across the country to 8+ cities.

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One Year After Bootcamp: Ruxandra Fediuc

Nov. 22 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Working just down the street at Telus Digital, Ruxandra is is a very familiar face around Lighthouse Labs in Vancouver! Since graduating Bootcamp just over a year ago, she's not only kicking butt in her role as a Developer, but has been contributing to the dev community over and over by mentoring, lending her skills to Ladies Learning Code and being an exemplary role model for aspiring women coders. We caught up with Ruxandra to learn what she's been up to in her One Year After Bootcamp.

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Day In The Life Of A Full-Stack Developer

Nov. 17 2016
Don Burks

We talk about "becoming a Developer", but what does that actually mean? We give you insight into what a day looks like for the average software developer.

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One Year After Bootcamp: Laith Azer

Nov. 07 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Laith is one of the very first graduates from our Toronto campus! After finishing his undergrad with a degree in Industrial Engineering, Laith took the plunge to enrol in bootcamp in pursuit of a career that excited him.

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If You Want to Inspire the Next Generation of Creators, Start With Their Teachers.

Oct. 24 2016
Topaz Glazer

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that BC's Ministry of Education has awarded Lighthouse Labs & Kids Code Jeunesse a contract to support the introduction of coding & computational thinking into classroom!

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Teacher Feature: James Sapara

Sep. 21 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

James Sapara joined our Vancouver Education team back in early 2016, and has blessed us with his passion for building + an endless supply of cat shirts. James can most often found fiddling with the 3D printer, serenading his chubby-cheeked adorable son Kasper, or acting as Ron Livingston's unofficial doppelgänger. Take a read and learn more about James in our latest Teacher Feature!

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