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JavaScript, a Step Forward

Sep. 16 2016
Don Burks

Recently, we made the announcement that we're taking a step forward with our curriculum by introducing a stronger focus on JavaScript. Our Head Instructor Don Burks explores why and how we've approached introducing more JavaScript to our students!

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Employer Spotlight: Kiwi Collection

Career Services
Sep. 07 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Over 160 organizations of all shapes and sizes have hired Lighthouse Labs graduates! We're connecting with our employers to shed some light into the hiring process, and learn about their experience taking on Junior Developers fresh out of Bootcamp.

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Indigenous Tech Talent Development

Aug. 31 2016
Pauline Edwards

Learn how Lighthouse Labs has partnered with the First Nations Technology Council to create access into the tech sector for Indigenous talent.

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One Year After Bootcamp: James Matsuba

Aug. 09 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

James Matsuba is a very familar face around Lighthouse Labs Vancouver. A graduate of our May 2015 cohort, James was our loyal intern for 6 whole months, bringing huge injection of energy and positivty to the team! He's since moved on to bigger projects, working with Guestfolio during the week, and exploring the amazing outdoor life found in beautiful Whistler, BC. We caught up with James to learn what he's been getting up to since he graduated last year.

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Hopping the Fence: Management to Development

Aug. 05 2016
Michael Huggett

Michael Huggett is a graduate of our iOS Development Bootcamp in Toronto. Mike shared this post about the history of his passion for coding, and how we came to Lighthouse Labs to pursue development full-time.

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Full-Stack Web Development Curriculum

Jul. 20 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Discover our brand new Full-stack Web Development Bootcamp curriculum, rebuilt by our amazing community of developers. Find out more!

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Insider’s Look: Bootcamp Admissions

Jul. 07 2016
Lighthouse Labs Admissions Team

A deep dive into the admissions process so you know what to expect when you're ready to pursue Bootcamp.

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Teacher Feature: Faisal Al-Tameemi

Jun. 16 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

At Lighthouse Labs, we believe that having incredible teachers is an invaluable part of our students' success. We are lucky to have amazing teachers who are top craftsmen in their field. Like our students, they are gritty, passionate, and from a wide variety of backgrounds. Unlike our students, they have been working as professional developers for over 10 years and are ready to pay that experience forward. We want to take the time to get to know these teachers a little better.

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Employer Spotlight: AppBridge

Career Services
Jun. 07 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Over 160 organizations of all shapes and sizes have hired Lighthouse Labs graduates! We're connecting with our employers to shed some light into the hiring process, and learn about their experience taking on Junior Developers fresh out of Bootcamp.

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From Mentee to Mentor: Singing the Kevin Blues

Jun. 03 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Kevin Blues is a former Lighthouse Labs student, turned mentor for our Web Development Bootcamp! Kevin is passionate about programming and loves to spread his coding knowledge to the next generation of Junior Developers. Take a read and learn a little more about what it's like to both mentor and be mentored as a coding bootcamp student.

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One Year After Bootcamp: Christian Hamelin

May. 26 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Christian Hamelin came to Lighthouse Labs to fuse his science background with the power of programming. Now, he's in Montreal, building startups and revelling in the variety of career options at his disposal since becoming a developer.

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A Window Into the World of a Mobile Developer

May. 13 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

Ken Woo & Adam Dahan are instructors for our Toronto iOS programs, and have years of mobile development under their belts. We took a dive into their brains to learn the ins and outs of being an iOS dev, and what it's like to learn app development at Lighthouse Labs!

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Dear Junior Developer Me

May. 09 2016
Rebecca Haliburton

One of our favourite Devmonth events this past April was the Dear Junior Developer Me panel, where our panelists shared insightful information for the audience of aspiring and junior developers. We’ve compiled our favorite pieces of advice for you to enjoy! 

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So You Want To Take A Bootcamp?

Apr. 29 2016
Don Burks

Considering a coding bootcamp as your next step towards a new career? Our Head Instructor Don Burks gives us a run down of the bootcamp experience, and how we approach coding education at Lighthouse Labs.

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People Can't be Programmed: HR for Tech

Career Services
Apr. 11 2016
Kate Ciborowski

Long gone are the days when developers were considered socially awkward and siloed in an organization. Today, software development is understood as a social endeavour that requires working and learning effectively with others, impacting entire organizations. More than ever before, software development methodologies, designed to improve efficiency and flexibility for products, are being applied to people and teams.

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